
Showing posts from May, 2017


YOU WON'T GO UNREWARDED IF YOU CONTINUE GIVING THE BEST!! Giving the best should be in your bloodline... I should always purpose and strive to give the best.. Its important to know even in a competition, when you show excellence then they must reward you... Nothing that we do in determination that fails to be rewarded.. I see my giving the best in Holliness rewarded by God soon.. If you strive not to commit sexual sin till marriage then definitely God will connect you with a partner who has tried to be clean too..Always give the best.. Pray the best. Sing the best. Give the best offering and sacrifice... Everything the best... MATTHEW 26:13 says; "ASSUREDLY, I SAY TO YOU, WHEREVER THIS GOSPEL IS PREACHED IN THE WHOLE WORLD, WHAT THIS WOMAN HAS DONE WILL ALSO BE TOLD AS A MEMORIAL TO HER...This woman is Mary, the sister to Lazarus. She gave and anointed Jesus with a very costly oil...This couldn't go unrewarded... I see you being rewarded when you don't faint in doing...


                            Just say “next” Get use to the idea that there is going to be a lot of rejection along the way to the gold ring. The secret to success is to not give up. When someone says no, you say, “Next” keep on asking. When colonel Harlan sanders left home with his pressure cooker and his special recipe for cooking southern fried chicken, he received over 300 rejections before he found someone who believes in his dream. Because he rejected rejection over 300 times, there are now 11,000 KFC restaurants in 80 countries around the world.   If one person tells you no, ask someone else. Remember there are over 5 billion people on the planet! Someone, somewhere, sometime will say yes. Don’t get stuck in your fear or resentment. Move on to the next person. It is a numbers game. Someone is waiting to say yes.   Though the first step is to believe in yourself and your dream too, because if you ...


  Choice Life is not difficult as we often say it is, we are just products of the choices we make sometimes this choices either make or mar us, so it is left to you, do you want to be made or marred (Isaac Promise) Now we may look at it as if it makes no sense, but trust me consciously watch out the choices you make and the results they bring then you would know that you are just a product of the choice you make You want to become a medical doctor you get admitted to a college and you study real hard and become a very good doctor you would be proud of your decision and when people ask why not this why not that why medicine? you would say it’s a matter of choice it’s my call and I decided I wanted to become a doctor and now I’m one, but assuming you get into college and use your time to play, have fun instead of studying and you end up graduating with a pass result you wouldn’t want to take responsibility of the choice you made of not reading. Whether we like it or not our ch...


SUNDAY VIBE It's a beautiful Sunday ,everything looking so nice and cool,the clouds up high smiling happily at us that's a good sign of a great day ahead........ Dressed up with our clothe looking so beautiful, walking to house of worship looking so purposeful, just as an empty cup looking so wasteful, hoping to get filled and turn out useful.............. Heard the voice of the lord,and am so filled with joy, just like a flash all my sorrows are gone,thank you lord for your love over us and we are so glad that you believe in us........


everything you experience today is the result of choices you have made in the past...... everything you experience in life both internally and externally is the result of how you have responded to a previous event.  our response to event determines our outcome or result life equation Event + Response = Outcome       case one Event: you are given $40 bonus. Response: spend it on a night on the town. Outcome: you are broke       case 2  Event: you are given $40 Response: invest it in your mutual fund Outcome: you have an increased net worth so you see your response to events determines your outcome and that shows how productive or wasteful you become

What is your legacy???

What is your legacy??? We are not in this word just to make money and die, no that is not it, success is not all about what we have built, what we have achieved what we are how much we have in our bank accounts it’s about impacting lives and empowering the younger generation to carry on with the legacy we have laid (Promise Isaac) Legacy; something inherited from a predecessor; a heritage. Heritage; a tradition something that can be passed down from preceding generations. Looking at these definitions above you should be able to picture what  real success is now am not saying it is wrong to make money, build houses, drive the latest cars no. but those things shouldn’t define our success. Your success should come from your laid legacy what would you be remembered for when you are too weak to do anything again? Even when you are dead what are you remembered for or with? You can say all those who we remember as great and successful people have cars have this have that yes they do ...


                  Change                                                         8 steps to successful change Many of us at some point in our lives try to evaluate the way we have been living our lives and then we are not pleased, satisfied, or we just noticed things are not working as they should therefore we see a need for change.          But the next big lie we tell ourselves is that change is not easy I don’t think I can stop this and that, I don’t think I can change, but you know everybody can change no matter what its left to you        Well while this ...


                                                                             Gear up No matter how bad our past may be, we shouldn’t allow them define us, don’t beat yourself up you have a key to the future you so much desire, open the lock, write a bright future and the past would be forgotten (Promise Isaac) Many of us tend to beat up ourselves for what we cant do, and forget the fact that there are many other things we can do. I know couple of would know Alfredo Nobel, that great man at least if we don’t know who or what he is we must have definitely heard of Alfredo Nobel’s Nobel prize and sch...

oh!! that smile that gives me hope

woke up in the garden, saw this beautiful rose  it stole my gaze uhnnn, went so close to it and i was attacked all i could was just to smile oh!!! that smile that gives me hope stepped out oh another world, looked up and i saw that beautiful rose up above than what so high, set out to get the rose got attacked by the stars and moon  Oh!!! That smile that gives me hope  Sat beside a spring of waterfall Oh the rose just came to me Oh the smile finally paid off Oh the bears roared at me But the rose so cool and cute, just sticked with me Oh!!! That smile that gives me hope


                                                                   KNOWLEDGE To excel in life you need knowledge, and just as everyone is a drum of knowledge only those who open up get filled (Promise Isaac) Everything we face in life whether good or bad, the more knowledge we have the better and safer it is for us, As insignificant as something’s may look only knowledge makes it easy for us, ignorance is a very bad disease, when you don’t know something and you have no idea of how to go about it you would understand what I mean. Picture a villager who has never seen a car before in his/her own entire life standing in front of a car or being se...