Giving the best should be in your bloodline... I should always purpose and strive to give the best.. Its important to know even in a competition, when you show excellence then they must reward you... Nothing that we do in determination that fails to be rewarded.. I see my giving the best in Holliness rewarded by God soon.. If you strive not to commit sexual sin till marriage then definitely God will connect you with a partner who has tried to be clean too..Always give the best.. Pray the best. Sing the best. Give the best offering and sacrifice... Everything the best... MATTHEW 26:13 says; "ASSUREDLY, I SAY TO YOU, WHEREVER THIS GOSPEL IS PREACHED IN THE WHOLE WORLD, WHAT THIS WOMAN HAS DONE WILL ALSO BE TOLD AS A MEMORIAL TO HER...This woman is Mary, the sister to Lazarus. She gave and anointed Jesus with a very costly oil...This couldn't go unrewarded... I see you being rewarded when you don't faint in doing good.. May God reward you soon in Jesus name... Blessed Tuesday %%%
Giving the best should be in your bloodline... I should always purpose and strive to give the best.. Its important to know even in a competition, when you show excellence then they must reward you... Nothing that we do in determination that fails to be rewarded.. I see my giving the best in Holliness rewarded by God soon.. If you strive not to commit sexual sin till marriage then definitely God will connect you with a partner who has tried to be clean too..Always give the best.. Pray the best. Sing the best. Give the best offering and sacrifice... Everything the best... MATTHEW 26:13 says; "ASSUREDLY, I SAY TO YOU, WHEREVER THIS GOSPEL IS PREACHED IN THE WHOLE WORLD, WHAT THIS WOMAN HAS DONE WILL ALSO BE TOLD AS A MEMORIAL TO HER...This woman is Mary, the sister to Lazarus. She gave and anointed Jesus with a very costly oil...This couldn't go unrewarded... I see you being rewarded when you don't faint in doing good.. May God reward you soon in Jesus name... Blessed Tuesday %%%