What is love to you? What is love to you? What is love suppose to be? How am I suppose to love someone and everyone? Okay yeah God is love we all know that, and I'm sure we all have our own perspectives and views about replicating Gods love. But let's move aside from the fact that God is love, just as individual that you are, what do you say love is to you? I understand the fact that individual differences exists, and that of course is one of the main reasons we sometimes do somethings in a not so good way, I don't want to use the word bad due to individual differences(#Wink). And we get away with it and also refuse to take correction, I can't define what is bad or what is good to you, you know what to do and what not to do. So first of all what is the dictionary definition for love? According to the English dictionary: love is an intense feeling of affection and care towards another person or A deep or abiding liking for something...