
Showing posts from October, 2019


What is love to you? What is love to you? What is love suppose to be? How am I suppose to love someone and everyone? Okay yeah God is love we all know that, and I'm sure we all have our own perspectives and views about replicating Gods love. But let's move aside from the fact that God is love, just as individual that you are, what do you say love is to you? I understand the fact that individual differences exists, and that of course is one of the main reasons we sometimes do somethings in a not so good way, I don't want to use the word bad due to individual differences(#Wink). And we get away with it and also refuse to take correction,   I can't define what is bad or what is good to you, you know what to do and what not to do. So first of all what is the   dictionary definition for love? According to the English dictionary: love is an intense feeling of affection and care towards another person or A deep or abiding liking for something...

Flash fiction

I fly too many times a year I feel I could rent sky, well that's what I used to think, little did I know real life ain't like my imagination,  but still in my wild imagination I was a tourist I travel a whole lot, and these journeys have always been the same, uhn..!!! but on this particular trip, something entirely different happened still in my imagination, I was seating close to the air tight sealed window of this  fabulous and beautiful aircraft, decided to join the economy class  of the flight, tired of seating with those rich Nerds in the business class, so lost in my thought then this angel appeared, I guess she was an angel because I have never seen anything as beautiful as she was even though in the scriptures I've only read about male/man angels, Just like a fairy tale she became the pill I needed at that m:she made me laugh and smile I was so happy my loneliness was over or so I thought, I put my hands in my pocket  and I fetch out a case of a ...

Good morning

At the center of my being I am a soul wrapped in precious time I am grateful to know the gift of life is spirit  that matters in the dust of stars I am in the middle of a miracle that never stops giving.  Good morning.