What are you feeding on?

In life, growth is very important, and to grow the body needs some basic nutrient. The kind of nutrition or malnutrition the body undergoes will determine the kind of growth you will have.

For many reasons people decide on different diet plans, keto, vegan, paleo, gluten-free diet just to name a few. These diets work the wonders they are designed to work. In the same way, whatever we ingest will determine what our output will be.

Most times we are the product of what we take in. like someone on a diet who is cautious about their weight and eager to maintain a good shape, the result you will produce depends on what you feed on.

As you are already guessing I'm not talking about the literal food we eat. What are you listening to? What kind of books do you read? What movies, TV shows, and series are you watching? Are they adding value to you or taking value away from you?

Pause! Ask yourself this question again and answer sincerely, what are you feeding on? What you consistently feed on rubs on you over time. Consciously and unconsciously, regardless of how much you try to hide it, it projects itself. What you are feeding on whether it is good or bad will speak.

Your dealings with people; how you relate with them, what you say, will all reflect what you are feeding on. If all you are feeding on is poisonous you will be toxic to others. If you are feeding on a healthy diet, then you will have a positive impact on the people around you.  

This is another opportunity for you to stop, and think about it, what exactly are you feeding on? Is it poisonous or healthy? Because what you will become and who you will be, all depends on what you are currently feeding on.

You! Yes You, What Are You Feeding On?


Tomorrow said…
Thank you for this piece. I will else forth be conscious of what I feed on. 👌
Unknown said…
Wow this is so inculcating.thank you🙏

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