Once upon a time, as far back as the year1856, in the historical kingdom of OMALE, lived a special family. The household of chief Ogungbemi,  they were tagged special in their community because, they were the most popular family and in fact they were more famous than the OBA(the King) of that kingdom. Chief Ogungbemi was a philanthropist so they were also popular for that reason.

Chief Ogungbemi and his wife had been married for over ten (10) years and they still had no children, chief Ogungbemi was not born with a silver spoon so he didn’t grow up being a philanthropist he became one when his fortune story changed, his wife had no issue and he was poor too that made the whole thing complicated, his family accused his wife of being a witch and that she was the reason why their son was poor and childless, they pressured him to marry a new wife but he declined because of the love he had for his wife, he stood by  her all the way.

His wife never forgot that act of loyalty and commitment shown to her by her husband and in turn she kept praying for him, in the 11th year Mrs. Ogungbemi conceived they were all happy but then things became much more rough and tough than it had been, feeding became a very big problem, his parent didn’t like her because she didn’t give them grandchildren on time and  their son refused to heed to their instruction of taking another wife so even when things didn’t go down well with them his parents refused to stretch a hand of help to them they struggled their way through and after sometime their patience and perseverance was finally rewarded with a bouncing baby girl, behold the Ogungbemi’s Angel.

Chief Ogungbemi had initially planned to name his first daughter “OMOBOLANLE” meaning “the child met wealth at home” but due to his present financial status he couldn’t do that right away but after some deliberation between him and his wife, they finally agreed and Christened her “AJOKE” though “OMOBOLANLE” was one out of the nine names she was given. After a while things begin to fall in place for them, they started becoming wealthy like they have always dreamt of, 2 years down the line Ajoke got the younger brothers she had  always wished for in form of twins, Tobi and Toba.


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