People Who Are Successful Are Like Teabags?
People Who Are Successful Are Like Teabags?
God has put so much in you that if you are
willing to capture it, nothing can stop you. There
is not enough darkness in the world to extinguish
the light God has put within you.
The light of God’s vision in your heart is so
strong and bright that all the darkness of the
planet, all the darkness of people’s opinions, and
all the darkness of past failures can never put it
Success in life requires perseverance.
Perseverance actually means “to bear up under
pressure.” I like this quote from Eleanor
Roosevelt, which actually applies to all people:
“A woman is like a teabag.
You never know how strong it is until it’s in hot
water.” Here’s a similar analogy: People who are
successful are like teabags. When they get in
hot water, they make tea. When life squeezes
them, they don’t become angry; they do
something constructive with the pressure.
They persevere under it and use it for their own
benefit. People who have vision are stronger
than the pressure life brings.
I have discovered that sometimes you don’t get
the scent from the rose until you crush it. In
order to draw the fragrance of His glory from
your life, God will allow you to be put under
By Dr.Myles Munroe