Ryan's loneliness (Episode 1)

I woke up one beautiful Saturday morning, struck by the ray of the early morning rising sun, I couldn’t hide my feelings so I was all smiles, anticipating a promising and fantastic day ahead. I never had any real friends so I couldnt afford to miss this rare opportunity of going out with my cousin Edwards and his friends. Okay, let me just pause here and do a quick recap.
             I am Ryan, the only child of my parents, I’m 15 years old, to many people it’s cool and fun, some even fancied their chances of being me, but they could never imagine how boring it is to live a lonely life, to them it made sense but with me it was a different story, I never had anyone to relate with, even if I have a lot on my mind there was no one to share with.
              My wealthy Parents made sure that i never lacked anything as a child. My dad owns many companies across the country, he even set up a Trust fund account for me even though I can’t access it till I’m 18. But to me it seemed my parents never had me in mind, like I was a cast away, because they are always busy and on weekends when they don’t have office work there is always this occasion that comes up from only God knows where.
             I’ve always lived a lonely life and that way I grew up to be a very timid boy. I know you might be surprised because normally children who were opportuned like myself to have wealthy parents, always turn out to be wayward but my own case is different.
          I have many potentials but they are dormant, nobody to share my dreams with, no motivation, nothing! I kept on living my life like that. My classmates in school consider me weird because of my quiet nature and so they don’t associate with me. And it just made it so obvious that I was a cast away.
           We just resumed a new session, I had topped the class at the end of the previous term and this got me nothing but the normal slang from my mum, “I’m always proud of you son” she said, not even bothering to change the normal tone. She decided that I should go outside the country to continue my education, but I opted out, I prefer to stay back home where I can always see my parents and give myself a reason to always smile even if it seemed there are no real connections between us.
              Well, as quiet as I was, I was still very sneaky, I was a stalker, I knew all about my classmates even though nobody knows mine neither did they know I knew a lot about them. So, back to school, we started the new term and everything continued normal nothing really changed only that this time I chose my seat in the middle of the class not in front as at all times, always quiet and calm when the teacher is in class and head bowed on my desk when there was no teacher in class.
                  About a week later, this new girl came in, although we had about five new students in our class but I call her “the new girl” because right from the moment she stepped into the class, she caught my attention. This girl is just so beautiful , I mean she is a fair and very jovial lady and guess what? she came straight to my seat which was the type meant for two people but as expected I was alone on my own seat, so she sat and smiled at me “hi I’m Jane” she said “and I’m your new seat mate”. Deep down within me I was really happy but based on the nature I had, I couldn’t express my joy of having Jane as my seat mate, I just gave her a faint smile and I minded my business.
( To be continued in Episode 2 )


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