Let it go v1

FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES… No matter who you are or what your personality is, it is impossible to live this life without some conflict along the way, Bishop Jakes shares. Offenses come to everyone and they are a part of life. Bishop Jakes says, “…conflicts can be resolved and relationships do have a future, if we learn to forgive.” We must be willing to look at our own ability to hurt, offend, and injure those around us, (who are often the people we love the most) in order to forgive others. The Lord’s Prayer provides us with a key insight into how we can experience the joy and abundant life Jesus came to bring us “Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (Matt. 6-11 KJV). Bishop Jakes says many people don’t realize when they pray this prayer they are asking God to forgive them the same way they are forgiving (or not forgiving) others. Also that these words tie my forgiveness with my willingn...