The state of lautech
Great lautech, once upon a time the best state university in Nigeria. It id so disheartening that the once bright future of this great institution has gone dim. Sometimes ago, education was one of the most important thing in our beloved country Nigeria. But now, it is trash where it is not regarded as anything. As painful as it is, “LAUTECH” that has not been open for any academic activity for over a year is still ranked the 25th best higher institution out of the 100+ of them we have in Nigeria. And then you begin to wonder, what other institutions are doing.

 Just imagine the engineering faculty of this once upon a time great institution tipped to be to become the backbone of technology advancement in this country now in desolate and even covered with weeds all over, the question now goes thus, who is to be blamed??? As expected, all fingers would point at the two owner state. Hmm, have we ever considered what the F.G is doing
 The school has been locked for several months, and the F.G did not even pay any attention to it, very bad. Now I’m not saying the governors of the owner states are free of guilt, no, far from that, but I can remember vividly one of the governors of the owner states saying that they lack fund. Very hard to dispute considering the fact that they owe the staffs of the institution about 12 months’ salary, the flow of cash in the country has really been a thing of concern, and the lack of creativity and innovation of both the nation at large, the two owner state as well as the institution itself has kept us at bay. Nothing industrious in the institution to even generate revenue, nothing from the two owner state to even ease the total dependence on the F.G, even the country lack industries that can help aid the economic growth of the nation.
So now we have talked the problems, what is the likely solution? As we would all say availability of money. Bravo that’s fair enough, but is that the lasting solution? Money can be available or should I say issued to the owner states and it can be hoarded or hijacked by one higher authority, but there’s one thing for sure that never fails, and that is PRAYER lets all unite with one voice and pray for our great institution, pray for our nation and in no time the glory of our beloved institution will be restored. 
God bless Nigeria!!!
God bless Lautech!!!
God bless all of us!!!


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