Oops my life, how I wish I knew, I wished I had listen I woke up this dark morning and everyone and everything was gone, seemed like apocalypse is happening, like I am the only one left on earth I wish I knew where everyone and everything was.Naturally when you wake up to a good morning the sky will be blue the weather will be nice you'll see people going about their business but on this particular day the sky was black everywhere dark and void, I couldn't even fathom what was happening I was...speechless I don't know what was happening I wished I could rewind time, I believed in myself I believed in my ability, many people talk to me you need people to survive but I will say to them no I can do this on my own I don't need anybody.I acquired all the degrees I could possibly have, I got all the awards and honorarium I could possibly get, I was so wealthy and famous but man what's the meaning of all the Fame if no one can see except me....
I was in the middle of nowhere I couldn't cry, I couldn't laugh I was all alone lost in this I don't know what was going on, there was nobody to explain to me, was it rapture I couldn't possibly explain myself?
I was too ambitious and I only thought about myself no love no emotion no nothing I was so wealth driven never even thought of my family no friends and now here I am lost in this world alone new one to go to no help no nothing.
And then I said to myself I really can't do anything on my own I will need help, my rock hard heart has became soften just like a loaf of bread I was all soaked up in tears I wish someone could just appear and save me, just then Lightning struck hard with a roaring shout like a angry thunder
then she came through the angel I've been waiting for appeared, and she said to me "hi I'm Pearl and I'm here to save you, but on one condition you'd have a change of heart and get along with people, you can't do anything on your own you must learn to love, give people chance in your life." and then she disappeared.
I woke up, it was only a dream and since that day I've learned to call people to myself, and give people a chance in my life I have learned to love I've learnt not do anything on my own you can't succeed or achieve more as a Lone Ranger you need people...