Man Up

Sometimes, things meant for you elude you, just because you are too scared to  face the little hurdle standing in front of you, life is beautiful but only the courageous enjoy it's  beauty. We are allbmade out of our challenges,  just like a gold that must pass through fire to be refined before it becomes that treasure everyone wants to lay their hands on, same way we all need to face our fears and man up to whatever situation you  find yourself in,  only then can you  get that which you truly desire and not that which the world decides to give you.
Once I heard a story of a guy and a lady who were secret admirers,
the lady seemed, to be one of those who are always on top of their game, she looked like those ladies who are expensive to  maintain. and the guy looked at himself he's not one of the hottest guys around he doesn't have an enviable account so he shrinked n fear and felt he had no chance with this lady, and resolved to just looking at her from afar off. the lady on the other hand was craving deep down for this guy,
considering they were in an African society it was  unethical for her to walk up to him and ask him out.  Now the guy wanted her but he had issues with self-esteem,  the lady wanted him but,  she had to follow protocol and wait for him to man up. At the long run they didn't have each other,  the guy couldn't man up and the lady couldn't break protocol.  Just like Rev. A.A Abegunde often says "God will not for you by miracle,  that which you suppose to do by muscle"
 that young man didn't get what he wanted because he was scared and he wrote himself off, the lady didn't take any step because that is what is expected of her,  now just like that lady what you so much desire is there just waiting for you to reach out to it,  will you be like that young man and shrink in fear or you'd man up and get that which you want?  What is that thing that is meant for you and you always feel it's way beyond your league?  What is that thing you  desire so much and you don't even attempt to have it? You kill the giant in you with the assumption that quite impossible.
Just so you know there  is nothing that is impossible,  impossibility only reside in your mind, it's a mindset that you will have to break from if you really want to attain a greater height.
So man up, that's what is expected of you,  face the fear,  jump that hurdle and your desires will be granted.


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