

"an incentive or reason for doing something"

The reason behind what we do and how we do it is motivation. Your level of excitement, passion, interest and commitment to a task, goal, job or project is fuelled by your motivation. Motivation can be Extrinsic (bases on a reward or to avoid a punishment) or Intrinsic (bases on a personal decision, reward or feeling of fulfillment)
The two kinds of motivation have their rightful place and cannot be substituted for another in appropriate situations. However, there is a lesson to learn.

 There is a level external motivation will take you and won't go further. If all the reasons you have for pursuing a goal or growing your idea or pursuing excellence in your academics or career are based on external motivation, you're not likely to reach the greatest height there is.
Ask yourself: why do I want to do this, why am I studying hard at school, why do I want to develop this idea, if all the external reward and present excitement I feel is taken away, will I still be willing to continue.

 The reason we must develop personal internal motivation and grow it from time to time is because, irrespective of how exciting and rewarding a task or project or idea looks at the beginning, there will be times when we will feel like giving up. Usually, the excitement we have at the beginning of the task doesn't naturally follow through. We will loose our energy and excitement and feel like giving up because challenges and set back can be overwhelming. At such moments, it is our ability to speak to ourselves, re-energize and motivate ourselves, regenerate our excitement and passion that will keep us persistent.

Where external motivation fails, personal motivation and commitment will keep you going.

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