Love a bittersweet portion

Love can be so divisive, 
You can't always say, 
Today it is sweet, tomorrow it is bitter, 
Someone loves you with their all today then, 
Tomorrow they hate you to death. 

Well nothing in life is certain, 
Someone is healthy today,
Tomorrow they're dead, 
You can never say never. 

What hurts the most is;
Seeing the person you love, 
someone you feel you could die for today, 
and they also claim they have the same feelings, 
The next day their feelings change, 
 and it's like they are some different. 


Someone you love using their words to pierce your heart without any form of remorse, 

As much as I love you,
my heart couldn't dare, 
I always pray for you, 
just as a Prove that I care, 
But your words too harsh,
and I can't even bare,
I thought your love was rare,
but it is so cheap,
as cheap as transport fare, 
I've got to let you go,
just hope the best for you.

. Sweet bitter love. 


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