
They say I'm young and I can't make impact
But my purpose is the salvation of this nation
Even when I try to pitch to them my innovations
They turn my purpose into a conversation
Since I know what I carry
I just sat back  and waited  patiently like a Caterpillar about to become a butterfly

I know issues will arise and I will be the only solution
I am getting tired of waiting as a solution who no one believed in
*I had given up already but thank God for documentation*
Just at the brink of giving up they came looking for me
They were ready to listen to me
I had  lost the drive, left to me I wouldn't give them my attention but it was for humanity. I couldn't say NO.

gave them all I had and it was exactly what they needed and more
Yes we saved humanity
What is your drive? I thought I had  lost my drive, I didn't realize that at the time, I didn't even know what my drive was I thought I was problem driven I ended up being humanity driven. Just like him many of us don't even know what drives us,some don't even know what purpose they are here to  serve.

We all as individual have a solution to at least one situation in our  nation, things will not always go your way things may never be smooth,people may not encourage you. When it looks like giving up is the only best option you have left what will you do? Know what drives you,know what your purpose is. If you do know your drive and purpose,then giving up will be the last thing on your mind,you are a solution, don't quench your fire,you are a light(solution) don't become one of the problems.


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