Our Love Story

You are my treasure,

The reward of my adventure 

Searching far and wide

Seeking where you hide

Love had been a delusion,

Until your emission 

I asked for your permission,

I will give you all my attention

I was too busy and I couldn't realise,

You were right before me.

It started with the snub

And now we've built the hug 

Your love overwhelms me, I can never have enough 

Even when it seems lost, you have it in-store.

Haters came and thought they tore it (your love)

Little did they know, in my heart it was reborn.

Whatever comes my way, my heart is where your love abodes.

I don't know if you care, but I wanna give you Roses.

You want a leader, let me be your Moses.

With nice fragrance, I'll satisfy your noses.

Wherever we go, I will make it homely.

All you have to do is to keep on loving,

Love of my life, that will be our story.


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